
Jiawei Wang ηŽ‹ε˜‰δΌŸ

Undergraduate Student, SDU

I'm an undergraduate student from School of Software, Shandong University, advised by Prof. Yuanfeng Zhou. My research interest includes computer vision, computer graphics, machine learning. Recently, I am very fortunate to be an intern student advised by Prof. Changjian Li from University of Edinburgh.

[Github]   [Google Scholar]    


  • 06/23, 2024: Graduate from SDU with "Outstanding Graduates" honor!
  • 02/26, 2024: One paper was accepted by CVPR2024!
  • Publications

    ContextSeg: Sketch Semantic Segmentation by Querying the Context with Attention
    IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), 2024.
    ✝ indicates corresponding authors


    Shandong University, Jinan, China
    Sept. 2020 - June 2024
    B.E. in Software Engineering

    Work experience

    Intern Student
    University of Edinburgh, GraphVix Lab
    Apr. 2023 - Present
    Supervisor: Changjian Li


  • Outstanding Graduates of SDU [2024]
  • First-class Academic Scholarship of Shandong University (top 5%) [2022]
  • Meritorious Winner of American College Students Mathematical Contest in Modeling (MCM/ICM) [2022]
  • National Scholarship (top 2%) [2021]
  • 2nd National Prize of China College Students Mathematical Contest in Modeling (CUMCM) [2021]
  • Services

  • ICLR 2025

  • Last update: August, 2024